QR Explore Scanner - Privacy Policy

Last updated: May 4, 2024

Service Provider

This service is provided by Loxima Limited, registered in England as Company 10039334. Registered address: 47 Hilley Field Lane, Fetcham, Surrey, KT229UP, UK.

Data Storage

The QR Explore Scanner application and / or website stores no personal / private information. Any data accessed is stored only in local browser storage or in your Google Sheet, no information is transmitted to any server or service managed by Loxima Limited.

Up to date encryption technologies are used for data-in-flight and data-at-rest to ensure confidentiality of data.

Data Access

Authorization for two Google Drive APIs is required in order for the application to function, these will be requested when you click the "Sign in with Google" button:

Google Drive (read-only)
Required to list available Google Spreadsheets.
Google Sheets (read & write)
Required in order to validate scanned QR Codes and update rows in the spreadsheet when codes are scanned.

Google does not provide a limited access scope for a single spreadsheet, so the authorization is for read & write access to all of your spreadsheets. Note that only the sheet that you select will be accessed.

Removing Authorization

You can remove the application authorization against your Google Drive by visiting the Apps with access to your account section of your Google account.

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, you can contact us: